Truck and Bus Green Slips

Green slip quotes for trucks and buses

Our Calculator and the Green Slip Check operated by State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) provide prices for light trucks up to 4.5 tonnes GVM.

These calculators do not work for heavy trucks in excess of 4.5 tonnes GVM or for buses.

If you are seeking greenslip prices for a truck over 4.5 tonnes GVM or for a bus, contact your insurance broker. You can also contact each insurer directly to find the cheapest CTP price.

Most truck or bus owners are registered for GST and their vehicles could be part of a fleet. If you are registered for GST, it also affects your green slip quote and green slip price in NSW.

Please contact on 02 9223 0102 if you need more information.

Vehicle Type - more info

Business and GST >

How claiming for GST affects the price of your green slip. read more

Fleets >

What owners of fleets need to know to get green slips. read more

Taxi green slips >

What all taxi owners need to know about green slips. read more

Rideshare green slips >

What all rideshare providers need to know about green slips. read more

Vehicle classifications >

The way vehicles are classified under the NSW CTP scheme. read more

Motorbikes >

What you need to get the cheapest green slip for a motorbike. read more